O melhor lado da Phantom Abyss Speedrun

Welcome to the wiki for Phantom Abyss, an action adventure game developed by Team WIBY. The wiki for Phantom Abyss is maintained by the combined effort of the community and everyone is welcome to contribute and edit! We are currently maintaining 19 articles and 114 pictures.

It may take some getting used to, but it can be an excellent strategy for quickly clearing rooms and obstacles. Should you choose to run the Ice Whip with its curse enabled, this blessing moves from one of the worst to one of the most essential.

Phantom Abyss is played single-player, and the ‘ghosts’ represent previous player attempts and are not people currently playing the game. Phantom Abyss is not a Fall Guys-style game where everyone plays at the same time.

At one point, I was being chased down a narrow corridor by a flaming head Guardian who was trying to eat me. After falling through the cracks right by the doorway, I restarted at the other end of the corridor. Unfortunately, this meant that the Guardian lay between me and the next checkpoint.

If you can see them, they died which means they probably arent hacking Hackers, in my experience, suck at the game even with cheats. I've got my answer though, I was just curiouus about the speed.

Should you mis-time a jump, Long Whip can save you in a pinch by grappling those platforms that would otherwise be just barely out-of-reach.

I think it’s quite fun to play in the moment, but it doesn’t quite have the One More Run hook of a proper roguelike. I found myself tabbing out to look at Twitter or check my emails between runs because I wasn’t feeling a strong pull to start the next level.

博多大吉 女性タレントを前に“ブチギレ”「ふざけんなよ」 豹変ぶりに松岡昌宏も驚き「ここまでは初」

is the asynchronous multiplayer, which means that you don’t have Phantom Abyss Gameplay to wait for players to join; it’s instant. This feature also means that you can play alongside others without strangers impacting too much of your run.

For example, while flying through the mossy ancient tombs, I often found myself scrambling at walls and ledges after my flow was interrupted by my grappling hook/whip falling short of its target.


Healing three hearts is insanely good, and can save a poor run, especially near the end. This is a somewhat situational blessing, and can be less useful or even useless on a good run. Your mileage may vary.

村重杏奈 厚切りジェイソンから「外国では絶対やってはいけないこと」と指摘されたクセ「バカにされます」

Explore the perilous halls and colossal rooms of each temple alongside the phantoms of fallen players that came before you and use their successes and failures to your advantage to progress deeper than they ever could have hoped.

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